About Us
The Effective Philanthropy Learning Initiative (EPLI) at the Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society (Stanford PACS) has designed Learn Effective Philanthropy (“LearnEP”), a free, self-directed online education course that helps individual donors make more effective and informed philanthropic choices—and achieve meaningful social impact.
Learn Effective Philanthropy reflects EPLI’s approach to philanthropic practice, intending it for many audiences: high-capacity donors, donor advisors, and others who serve the donor ecosystem. We’ve built an interactive, easy-to-follow course for users looking to learn, track their progress, and custom-tailor their journey in philanthropy. LearnEP was developed by the EPLI Team, and all digital content was designed by Kathryn Davis, Digital Content Manager at Stanford PACS.
Our Partners
The resources were completed with funding from the Fidelity Charitable® Trustees’ Initiative (FCTI), a grantmaking program separate from Fidelity Charitable’s donor-advised program. FCTI did not weigh in on the substance of the content provided, and the findings and conclusions contained within are those of the authors and do not reflect advice or official positions of FCTI.

Data Usage
Users of the LearnEP will be submitting personal data. Please review our Data Usage and Privacy Statement for more details on how we protect your information.
Creative Commons International License
We invite all philanthropy practitioners to freely share and adapt whatever we build provided you attribute the content to Stanford PACS. LearnEP is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. See our About page for more information.