Setup: To begin your philanthropic journey, let’s start with a reflection on your values. Think of your values as guideposts for your giving—they are the principles or standards that you’d like to see shine through your philanthropy.
If you’re doing this exercise with others, it can be helpful to do this activity individually first, and then share your responses and discuss areas of overlap and differences.
Instructions: Take a moment to think about moments or life experiences that have shaped you — maybe someone you love has had an illness, maybe you’re really passionate about deserving young people getting a great education, maybe you love and want to protect nature?
Take a full silent one MINUTE to reflect on those formative experiences and perhaps jot some of them down.
Now doing a deeper dive into that — what are the VALUES that you hold as a result of those experiences? Try to narrow them down to the few which you relate to most strongly. Some examples might be, “My brother had learning disabilities growing up so I care deeply about accessibility.” or “My mom had cancer so I care deeply about wellbeing.”
Next, using the list below, write down all the values that matter to you. Don’t overthink it and feel free to add your own!
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Now, have another look at your list. Choose up to 3 that speak to you the MOST and enter them here.
Accessibility | Diversity | Freedom | Humor | Patriotism | Spirituality |
Accountability | Effectiveness | Fun | Independence | Peace | Spontaneity |
Authenticity | Empathy | Generosity | Joy | Persistence | Stewardship |
Collaboration | Empowerment | Growth | Justice | Resourcefulness | Tradition |
Community | Equity | Happiness | Kindness | Respect | Trustworthiness |
Connection | Exploration | Harmony | leadership | Security | Unity |
Courage | Fairness | Health | Love | Self-actualization | Well Being |
Dignity | Faith | Honor | Loyalty | Service | (or add your own) |
Discipline | Family | Humility | Passion | Simplicity | (or add your own) |